Thursday 12 January 2017

Sequential Imaging - Evaluation

During this module we had to create display illustration skills and make with three A3 sequential images.


We first were instructed to join the college on a trip to the Great North Museum to find three objects to take inspiration from. I decided on an elk skeleton, a spoon and the butterfly wall. I went with the butterfly wall to help further my skill in insect anatomy.


I sketched a few rough ideas around the object and branched off from there. The idea I settled with was to have a big bundle of butterflies on the wall before fluttering away to reveal something hidden underneath. I decided to make the first portrait would be of the butterflies sitting upon flowers then have a face amongst the flowers and lastly the butterfly woman shown from head to to hips. I did my sketches photoshop for all portraits, lined each with the pen tool and coloured it using the paint bucket and magic wand. The most attractive technique in the piece for me was the shading and lighting.I used the luminosity and overlay settings. I wanted to achieve a very shiny, almost blue vibrance coming from the butterfly wings. Looking back on it there were a lot of things that did not look how I wanted. The piece looked very flat, and especially on the last piece looked unfinished due to the white skin. 

The second piece would definitely be my favourite. There were mistakes I forgot to correct before I printed however I think it is one of the more impressive pieces. The last piece was felt very rushed and incomplete, I wanted her hair to have a gradient effect to be darker at the bottom a lighter blue on top however it made the shading on the lower half barely visible. It always seems to be a case of liking my sketch more than the finished piece and I would like to work on that during future projects.
