Wednesday 15 November 2017

Character Design and Alternative Techniques - Smart Targets

Character Design

I think there are definitely skills I would like to look back on, improve and reflect upon in future projects to come, such as:
  • Time keeping - Had I arranged my workflow and schedule better I could have avoided the rush to finish and make it look a little more worth while.
  • Reading the brief - I could have avoided such a hassle with my work had I properly read, highlighted and understood every aspect of my task.
  • Organisation - In future I would like to start organising myself better to appear more like that of a HE student.
Alternative Techniques

  • Thorough documentation - Because this unit was very experimental based and there wasn't much of a final piece it is very important to show I have an in-depth understanding of the workshops.
  • Workflow - My workflow did appear quite spotty and lacklustre throughout this project. I could have improved with a better understanding of my workflow and what managing what needed done first.
  • Confidence - I think speaking in front of peers is quite difficult for me, I speak too fast or don't go in to the details I wish I could out of nerves. I could benefit a lot from practicing speaking in front of people I trust.